Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Putting things into perspective

Just heard sad news yesterday that my former boss's 19 year old daughter passed away over the weekend. Although I don't know the family that well, I felt for them. So sad and tragic to lose someone so young and promising. Someone who still had her whole life ahead of her. Someone with parents who loved her and sisters who adored her.

Also heard yesterday that we didn't win the proposal we went for. Well, we kinda won 50% of it and the other 50% was awarded to an 'offshore' firm all due to costs. After hearing news like before, I wasn't at all upset and disappointed about it. It really put into perspective what life is about. Proposals, work, events come and go - it's easy to get caught up in being disappointed when things don't go your way. But to hear tragic news like the above, does it really matter if you didn't win this new piece of work or you can't go to that concert? One should take more time to sit back and reflect on what we have and be thankful for it. Thankful for having a loving family, somewhere to call home, not worrying about your next meal, not persecuted for speaking out for your beliefs (within reason of course), being able to walk/see/eat/talk/hear/smell.... Let's take time out from our busy schedules to stop and ponder and give thanks for having what we have.

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