Saturday, February 25, 2006

Ice Kings, Queens, Princes and Princesses

Finally! Managed to catch some Olympics figure skating! On TV, mind, but still.....

Was and still am disappointed that Michelle Kwan had to pull out. Yes yes, furore over whether she should have received the place in the first place. But even her critics have to admit that her signature forward spirals were missed. Her grace, expression and maturity as she flew across the ice.

When the short program ended, I was sure Sasha Cohen was tasting gold already what with her triple lutz double toe combination ending confidently, with ease and every bit of emotion pouring through her program. Alas it was not to be, as both the favourites Sasha and Irina Slutskaya hit the ice. Arakawa deservedly won the gold medal with her maturity and elegance shining through her flawless program. I was impressed by Arakawa's performance. In the past, I felt that skaters from the Far East were technically brilliant but lost out on the showmanship of it. Not only did Arakawa skate cleanly with her combination jumps and spirals, she performed with such emotion to tell the story. Whilst I do not dispute that the best woman on the night won, I wondered if it would have been different if the quality of skating in the free program was of the same quality as the short program.

And the exhibition gala.... I missed the men's competition but heard the media raving about Plushenko. He certainly showed why in the exhibition gala. When I saw his 2002 Olympic program, it was a real tie between him and Yagudin but now.... Such powerful and astounding skating! He made quadruple combinations look effortless and easy! And his triple-triple-triple show off at the gala.... whoa! It's easy to understand why many said he dominated the men's competition and it looks like he will stay up there. Such an entertainer! You only have to watch his Champions on Ice performance to see that he really does belong in the spotlight - and enjoys it immensely too!

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