Friday, February 17, 2006

Is it possible......... an era where technology knows no bounds, where everyone has two email addresses, a house phone, a mobile phone, a fax... that one can still feel lonely?

...with the advance of science and artificial intelligence, supposedly being able to tell us what we think, that we can still feel sad but not know or understand why?

...with all types of entertainment innovation brings - TVs, iPods, Playstations, that one can still feel empty and bored?

Is it possible?

1 comment:

Jollivet said...

Yes it is possible. My friend was sharing with me about a city dweller who was stuck in the forest for a day. Whilst he failed to hear the birds and insects, he heard the clink of a coin, when it dropped to the ground. Take e-mail for example. Conventional snail mail is losing grounds. It just doesn't feel the same anymore, we don't get the excitement of receiving personalised letters, or cards, but the boredom of opening digital inboxes neatly storing emails in uniformed writing. It is sad how almost the entire population today is so dependant on electronic gadgets, ie handphones and laptops, that no one can enjoy a holiday entirely in the absence of technology.