Saturday, November 11, 2006

The Pact

She did it again. Another fab book from Jodi Picoult. Some have said that her books are all the same. Perhaps. But I left enough of a gap between the books to enjoy her writing all over again.

The Pact is a touching story about middle class families who seem to have it all. Two teenagers who seem on the outside, to be perfect for each other and who have it all in this world. Cut short by a suicide. It showed that having it all is not enough.

You may think you know someone, but do you really? The image of Emily Gold, one half of the couple, is put together through the eyes of others. Which made me realise that one's identity is really based on others' opinions.

Another interesting aspect of the book was the view of truth. Do we always know the truth? Or do we base the truth purely on facts only? Is that the truth? Or is it interpretation of the evidence, which is subjective?

1 comment:

Jollivet said...

Sorry i have salem falls. what was i thinking when i said keeping faith?? orange sodden though.

it's like how people question the reality of science.