Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Don't Give Me That

Don't give me that arsy, sarky attitude. I try and help. Don't give me that smirk. The arsy comment. The "whatever" attitude. The spiel about ALNA.

It's not my fault and you know that. If you are annoyed, give that @*#$ to whoever's fault it is. Not anyone else. All I was trying to do is to try and rectify things. Yes, things are uncertain and we don't know for sure. But hey, if you want to just sit there and wait until things are sure before you start planning for either eventuality, you go do just that. It's a simple scenario. If it happens, we do this. If it doesn't happen, we do that. That's simple enough. You can say you agree or disagree with it. I'm ok with the disagreement. Not that smirk, arsy comment and attitude.

Whatever you did not want to happen, happened. It was not a life/death situation - far from it. I'm not saying that means it's not important. All I'm doing is putting it in context here. You want to continue sitting there and stewing because it didn't go as planned. Do that. You do just that. Yourself. Alone. Don't take it out on anyone else whose fault it was not. Don't raise their blood pressure just because you can't handle it. I want to try and see how to make things better. What's the point of stewing and stressing without any action to resolve or minimise damage?

Whatever. Just strengthened my resolve not to bother helping. Do it yourself.

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