Monday, May 28, 2007

Bye bye Ted

After a week of uncertainty about whether we were going to move, we've finally moved abode!! A rather dramatic week of will we or won't we. It would have fitted nicely into Location, Location or Property Chain with all the stress, changes in decision etc! Needed to return from London to pack and then head off back to London the next day. A real late night of packing. 2 hours of sleep. But it's now done. Woo-hoo!

So the Ted is no more (well for us anyway). Moved into HRW which is in all sorts of states at the moment. Boxes everywhere - some packed some unpacked. Wallpaper being stripped. A miniature walk-in wardrobe since we're waiting for proper wardrobes. It's great! Hard work (mainly by Bri - haha - I lend moral support now and then) but we'll get there!

Look out for pictures here soon!

1 comment:

Jollivet said...

chia i played with a shitzu puppy today and he reminded me SO much of livea~ i took a lot of pictures and videos. will send them to u friday so. they'l crack u up im not even joking i'm puppy sitting for the weekend, until his nanny takes over. whee. we're going to have so much fun!!!!!!