Monday, April 10, 2006

Food poisoning

A minor bout of food poisoning signals that I have definitely arrived in HK! :) Just kidding - B didn't suffer the same although he pointed out that his stomach is probably immune to it by now.

After trying to sleep off the feeling of throwing up previous day's food, I managed to get relief only after the non-medical method of sticking a finger down my throat. Mind - I really did try not to do it but nothing else helped. Instant relief. Yummy food does come at a price. Has it put me off scoffing my face? I was careful to eat light today but I'm sure I'll revert to my holiday 'diet' soon!

Anyways, we're packing for Tokyo - we're off tomorrow for a four day break!!!! Yay!!!! Going from one densely-populated-people-sardine-sandwich-with-skyscrapers-and-neon-lights-city to another rather similar city (from what I've read). Sharpening my elbows even more to get me through the city!

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