Sunday, May 21, 2006

Did he or didn't he?

I'm sure you're all holding your breath to find out whether Bri booked his theory test. As at 12.39am on Saturday 20 May 2006, he didn't. (Remember, the deadline promised was Friday 19 May 2006). This was after a generous 39minutes extension of the deadline. :)

So, will he or won't he eat a mushroom since he broke the promise?


Bri wants an(other) extension. Reason? He can't find his provisional driving license to book his theory test. Would have been a valid excuse had it not been because he was only looking for the license at about 12.15am on 20 May. Which suggests that it was the first time (despite having a whole week) an attempt was made to book the test. Now, apparently the promise is that the test will be booked when he finds his license. Rightttt..... Ooookkkkkkk.....

Nagging, positive encouragement and even the threat of having to eat a mushroom, which if you know Bri would know that it is the ultimate 'yuck', didn't help. I give up. Will I make him eat a mushroom now? No - Bri knew what was 'at stake' (pardon the dramatics) and if he doesn't fulfill the promise yet refuses to eat a mushroom, it suggests two things: 1) There's a lack of understanding of what a promise is, or 2) The promise didn't mean anything anyway!

I'm sure we'll all hear about it IF (I've stopped using the word 'when' for this) Bri books his test.


Jollivet said...

he hates mushrooms? more in the world for me then!!

Anonymous said...

Just read the blog and it inspired me to write a bit! Whoo hooo! So here goes. I'm ashamed to say and admit that the 2nd suggestion of that the promise I made did not mean anything probably fits the bill more accurately than the first suggestion of not knowing what a promise is, but not exactly. If a man or woman can not live by their promises than who can we trust to get anything done. I try to keep all my promises and normally if I do not think I'll do something I will not make the promise but on this occasion I did not have my heart on taking the test and made an ill advised promise of booking a theory test at a weak moment. :) Whooops mistake. Anyway reading the blog got me off my posterior to book my test and because I've done it past the aforementioned due date I will eat a single small mushroom on the weekend. Quang should be there as an extra witness and photographic evidence can be taken along with me probably puking up in the toilet!!! ;)

OK, so it is now the 29th of May 2006, aproximately 22:18 GMT, and I have now booked my theory test online. It will be on the 23rd of June 2006 at 8:30am. I've taken a screen grab of the confirmation but I have no idea how a commentor can leave a picture in their comment so you'll have to trust me! So in my to do list of promises, (which hopefully is a list of just one!) it should be completed this weekend!

P.S. I would gladly not eat any mushrooms ever so that there are more for everybody else in the world!! :p

P.P.S Have faith, always use WHEN and not IF. ;)

Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.

Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.