Sunday, May 28, 2006
Conference photos
Here are some highlights, but follow this link for more conference photos!
Friday, May 26, 2006
Angry? Stupid? Just plain confused
This afternoon, I was slightly thrown off by a conversation. I don't even know if I should be. It felt as if something I have been working towards and something that people say is a guarantee, is now uncertain. All to do with someone's words. All along, the things I have been doing were in this direction. I have been told I will achieve this particular goal, that it would be a no-brainer. So after this conversation, I went away confused. Was I lulled into a false sense of security before? Should I feel stupid for having trusted people's judgements and comments before or should I feel angry for having been pretended to? Perhaps it was silly for me to assume certain things. Or perhaps the person was just managing my expectations.
The question mark looms overhead.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Return of the To Do List
If you ask me to do something, I'll immediately write it down on my To Do list. Every single thing. Sometimes, I break it down to the tiniest level reasonably possible so that it feels great to be able to give a nice tick or cross the task out when it's completed. When people see me writing the task down or when they see my To Do list, they usually comment on how organised I am. I don't actually see it that way. I see it as deteriorating memory failure! If I don't write it down, I will forget all about it and it won't get done!
For the last month, I went without a To Do list. I thought I'd trained myself enough to mentally store, prioritise and remove the tasks upon completion. Obviously had too much confidence in my mental ability. If I could draw out the mental To Do list, it would have been a messy and scrambled picture because priorities were (continuously) reassigned depending on deadlines, tasks and severity of consequences. I couldn't remember what the previous priority was and which had higher priority than which.
So now, I've started my To Do list again and it's sitting there happily with 30 tasks. Does it depress me that it looks like I've got lots of work with such a long list? No, sadly, it actually makes me feel better. I don't have to keep reminding myself of all the tasks and priorities. My brain cells (the last few are very precious!) are free to concentrate on other things. After penning my To Do list at the start and end of every day, I actually feel a sense of relief. No comments on how sad I am please. It gets things done, ok?
Task 18: Update blog - done!
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Da Vinci
I thought the movie was interesting. I can't compare it to the book as I've not read it yet. However, credit must be given to Dan Brown for how cleverly he uses symbols and came up with the plot. Also how he wound facts into fiction, which explains why some non-Christians are adamant that bits of his book can be taken as facts of Christianity.
The publicity and hype are good for others to hopefully discover what Christianity is about and what the truth is, rather than believing in fiction. The sad thing is those who claim to know all about Christianity and rubbish it, using 'facts' from Dan Brown's book. Most of these are not founded in valid research and the originators of some of the 'facts' have also been on media confessing that it was made up. But yet, as is typical, some do not read past the headline to see what the whole thing is about, rather just believe that fiction is fact.
For those who are interested in finding out more (go on, you know you want to!) :) (would especially appeal to Singaporeans and Malaysians)
Did he or didn't he?
So, will he or won't he eat a mushroom since he broke the promise?
Bri wants an(other) extension. Reason? He can't find his provisional driving license to book his theory test. Would have been a valid excuse had it not been because he was only looking for the license at about 12.15am on 20 May. Which suggests that it was the first time (despite having a whole week) an attempt was made to book the test. Now, apparently the promise is that the test will be booked when he finds his license. Rightttt..... Ooookkkkkkk.....
Nagging, positive encouragement and even the threat of having to eat a mushroom, which if you know Bri would know that it is the ultimate 'yuck', didn't help. I give up. Will I make him eat a mushroom now? No - Bri knew what was 'at stake' (pardon the dramatics) and if he doesn't fulfill the promise yet refuses to eat a mushroom, it suggests two things: 1) There's a lack of understanding of what a promise is, or 2) The promise didn't mean anything anyway!
I'm sure we'll all hear about it IF (I've stopped using the word 'when' for this) Bri books his test.
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Tokyo photos ready!
Blah blah blah blah blah blah
Me: I'd like to confirm our reservation for Monday. What do I need to send you to confirm the reservation?
Him: Oh, no problem. It's really late now you know. Normally we need the forms two weeks in advance, so it's really urgent that we complete the forms today.
Me: Yes, I appreciate it. So what do I need to send you?
Him: The application form. I sent it via email. You really need to complete it today and send it back to me. Otherwise we can't go ahead with booking because it is so late and the event will be on Monday.
Me: Ok. I'm at a conference at the moment, but I'll check my emails later and will complete the form and send it back to you by 3pm today. Are electronic copies ok? Can I send it via email?
Him: Yes, please. I need to send it immediately to the landlord. They need to approve it and we need to move quickly because your dinner is on Monday.
Me: Ok, so I'll send the forms via email back to you by 3pm today.
Him: Yes, please do so. It's urgent we complete it today - it is a late booking so we really have to complete it.
Me: Will do. The form will be with you via email by 3pm today.
Him: Yes, otherwise we cannot go ahead. And blah blah blah....... (at this stage, I was annoyed that we are not moving forward after 5mins and still going on about the application form which I'd said I will send about 30seconds into the conversation)
Me: Ok, I'll send you the application form. What else do I need to complete for the reservation?
Him: Ah, the application form - you know, because the booking is on Mondayblah blah blah.......(I began to wonder if my English was worse than his (quite obvious English wasn't his first language) and that's why I'm not coming across clearly in my talking but my colleague's guffaws (who's helping me on this) clearly indicated I had said it before)
Me: Yes, yes, the application form will be with you by 3pm today. Anything else?
Him: Oh, the menus. You need to choose a standard menu. Everyone has to have the same thing for private dining.
Me: Ok, send me the menus and when I check my emails later, we'll choose the set menu and send it back to you by 3pm today.
Him: Everyone has to have the same thing, so same starter, main course, dessert.
Me: Yes, I understand. You have the standard set menus, right? We'll choose the one that everyone has to have and send it back to you by 3pm.
Him: Yes, it's important you send it back by 3pm blah blah blah
(Hair pulling in frustration began).
I won't continue the conversation replay otherwise you'll lose some hair too. Or lucky you - you get to skip past this post - I didn't get the chance with the telephone conversation. Suffice to say, he needed the application form, standard menu chosen and contract back to him by 3pm - electronic copies acceptable. Was there a need for the conversation to last 15mins because of that? Is there a need to explain every single thing when there was no dispute about giving him the forms by 3pm? Why did he need to talk so much????
Why do some people like hearing their own voices? In discussions, someone I know needs to say something everytime. I'm all for contributing your ideas and opinions, but only when they add something to the discussion! Looking back at his 'contribution', we (it was not just me who thinks this) realised what he's just said does not add anything different to the discussion - it was not disagreement, agreement, sharing knowledge, sharing experience, didn't add anything so would it have made a difference if it was omitted? Not at all.
What about those who asks you about you but only to open up the conversation because they need to tell you what they've done regardless of your answer? In a question about how your day/week has been, you could say you've just come back from the moon or won the Nobel Peace Prize. They'll gloss over that (and I sometimes wonder if they even heard it - they were probably just asking the question to be polite) to quickly tell you about their grocery shopping that morning, isn't it terrible that the price of milk had gone up by 2p? Or you could have a pressing concern you'd really like to share with someone and am glad they'd asked you about your day, so you go on to tell them about your friend being in an accident or your partner being made redundant. Their response? They go on and on and on about the train being late by 10mins today.
Why do people need to talk needlessly? Why do they need to talk so much? I'm not saying that one shouldn't share experiences or voice opinions. Of course you do and you must continue doing it. But only if it adds to the discussion or conversation, so listening is important too because that's how you know if it does add to the discussion (or to hear if you are annoying the other person with your endless and pointless chatter). The key word in this is 'needlessly'. If one feels the compelling need to hear their voice all the time, some suggestions - do a recording and listen to it all the time , or leave yourself lots of voicemails so you can listen to them whenever you want. Or be like me and have a blog! :) People can then skip past the posts whenever they want!
I know people who can talk loads about anything and everything. I admire them for it. Because everytime they say something, they tell me something new or point out their opinions well. Because they listen to others and know when to say something (when it adds to the conversation) or when not to (when it doesn't add to the conversation).
One's views and concerns are important but don't forget that sometimes there are others out in the world who may really need to talk to someone or whom one could learn something from (surprising as it may be for you to find out). One may be annoyed that it rained today thus putting off plans for a BBQ and need to moan to someone about it. But bear in mind that the other person in the conversation could have a more serious issue - perhaps the rain caused her son's car to skid on the road and he's now in A&E with multiple injuries. She may not have the time to hear all about the BBQ being ruined or she may just need to talk to someone.
If you need to talk, talk. But listen too.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
First impressions of Rijswijk? Not much to say at the moment as all I glimpsed from the cab ride here seemed pretty normal. The client has a huge complex here and it appears as if most of the place looks similar-ish. Client tells me there's not much to see around here - it's fairly industrial/business parks type - obviously not selling it very well!
Sunday, May 14, 2006
HK April 2006 photos up
I have uploaded the photos from my visit to Hong Kong in April 2006 - follow this link, also available on the left of this page under the Photos links.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Mushroom Promise
And the reason this is on my blog? Bri wouldn't put it on his blog (since he hasn't updated it in 2 months; another 'To Do' for him is to change his blog's design - again. After which, he said he'll put it on his blog when it's redesigned and I started seeing the pattern now... One promise depends on another promise that depends on another promise.... it won't happen). Cynical - me? So here I am sharing it with you! :)
Here's wishing Bri the best in booking his tests, then passing them! That he doesn't pass the test the same time Millie passes her driving tests (she's currently only two years young!).
Friday, May 12, 2006
Struggle and hardship
At homegroup weekend, we focused on accountability and discipline. When things go wrong, it's easy to say 'God doesn't love me, otherwise this wouldn't happen' or 'Why would God let this happen to me?'. So it is reassuring to read "Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father?" (Hebrews 12:7) Tough times would come, but it's not because God doesn't love us - indeed, they are there because we are God's children. He is preparing us for the kingdom. "No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it." (Hebrews 12:11).
What does the Bible mean by struggle and hardship? Surely it is subjective? One's hardship could be another's daily life routine. Is hardship being in war? Losing a loved one? Finding out that you or a loved one has a life-threatening disease? Losing a limb? Not getting the grades you want? Failing to get the limited edition gadget you set your eyes on months ago? Losing a race? Not being promoted? Not getting the job you applied for? It is easy to be dramatic and insist that your struggle is the hardest. It is equally easy to be dismissive of others' hardship and think 'well, at least you are healthy and do not have to be worried about your son/husband/father at war'. Whenever I get stressed now, I make myself take time to thank God for what I already have. It sounds horribly cliche-d, but I make myself think about what others do not have which God had provided me with.
Later on, we shared testimonies on how and why we accepted Christ. It was wonderful to hear of God working in different ways in all of us. As Hebrews 12 points out, there are obstacles in the way and there are barriers that threaten to entangle us in the race. But it was great to hear how God ensured we came out even stronger in the end.
Baby Shower
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Yew Croft Homegroup
The posh hotel owner, Chinese swimmer and weight lifter, Swedish table tennis player and Kenyan marathon runner...
The American basketballer, British journalist, hippy, Dutch weight lifter.
Aww..... my littler and cuter namesake - lil Jessica with Hosannah
The Joneses - a lovely family picture. Think the two lil ones summarise how I feel after the weekend - knackered. So enjoyable though!
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Home group weekend coming up!
It's our homegroup weekend starting tomorrow! Yay! It'll be so nice to spend a weekend just concentrating on Him - no doubt various sessions will be challenging however it'll all be worth it! There's also horseback riding and murder mystery weekend on Saturday! My first for both (excluding the lil pony trot at Camerons when I was five years young!) so am really really looking forward to it!