Sunday, July 12, 2009

Need to read more

As I flicked through magazines yesterday during lunch, I realised how little I actually read these days. Ashamed as I am to say this, I actually browse through the pictures to see if anything catches my fancy before I read in more detail. When I realised this halfway through the browse, I tried forcing myself to read the next article. And I was too tired to!

My oh my. These weren't even technical journals. They were women's magazines, which as anyone would know, is hardly difficult to read! How I used to have my nose buried in a book, unable to put it down. I could usually be found sitting in the aisles of a bookstore reading the books (hence saving money as I could finish the book in the store and thus not have to buy it.)

I went through a phase of not allowing myself to read, in case I fell to my habit of not putting the book down until I've finished it - usually at the expense of sleep. Then a wise colleague encouraged me back to the love of reading and there I was, week after week, looking through the shelves of the library.

So what happened this time? I don't know, really. Just laziness, I suppose. I could blame the lack of good libraries here. But perhaps I didn't really go bother looking anyways. Perhaps it's time I tried again.

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