It was musical night on Monday, with a trip to Lord of the Rings. And yes, it was just as long as the movie. I'm glad I went to watch it but I don't think it's one I'll rave on about. Casting was very very poor. Aragorn didn't portray himself as authoritative, Boromir didn't come across as being very courageous, Legolas wasn't a dainty elf (not even blonde as per movie and book!), Frodo seemed old. The sets were very cleverly done, I must say. I expected more singing and dancing in the spirit of musicals. I don't know if it's a good or bad thing that there weren't more of those.
On Tuesday, met up with Jen and Phong on honeymoon:

And it was Best of the Best 2007 gala on Wednesday. For whatever reason, I wasn't looking forward to it but was very pleased I went in the end. We didn't win the big prize, but cliche-d as it sounds, I guess it was good enough to get a nomination. It was certainly an impressive affair. The photos don't do them justice as I took them when the areas weren't occupied:
One of the after-dinner areas in Alice-in-Wonderland style

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