Thursday, December 20, 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007
So many decisions, so much uncertainty
"Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed." Proverbs 16:3
I'm holding onto this so much and trusting that Lord will guide me to what's right. There is a bit of uncertainty for me at the moment, but I pray that His Hand is over the decision making process. I also pray that I will accept the decision and make the most of it.
We can make it work. With His grace.
I'm holding onto this so much and trusting that Lord will guide me to what's right. There is a bit of uncertainty for me at the moment, but I pray that His Hand is over the decision making process. I also pray that I will accept the decision and make the most of it.
We can make it work. With His grace.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
I wish...
I wish...
... I am a lot of things I am not - in behaviour, attitude, skills and features.
... I am not a lot of things I am - in behaviour, attitude, skills and features.
I am not perfect. No where near. I know that.
But who am I is who God designed. For that I feel blessed. Yes, I have a lot of flaws but slowly and with God's grace, am learning and applying the wisdom in Proverbs. Bear with me.
... I am a lot of things I am not - in behaviour, attitude, skills and features.
... I am not a lot of things I am - in behaviour, attitude, skills and features.
I am not perfect. No where near. I know that.
But who am I is who God designed. For that I feel blessed. Yes, I have a lot of flaws but slowly and with God's grace, am learning and applying the wisdom in Proverbs. Bear with me.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Give thanks to the Lord
Our God and King
His love endures forever
For He is good, He is above all things
His love endures forever
Sing praise, sing praise
With a mighty hand
and outstretched arm
His love endures forever
For the life that's been reborn
His love endures forever
Sing praise, sing praise
Sing praise, sing praise
Forever God is faithful
Forever God is strong
Forever God is with us
From the rising to the setting sun
His love endures forever
By the grace of God
We will carry on
His love endures forever
Sing praise, sing praise
Sing praise, sing praise
Forever God is faithful
Forever God is strong
Forever God is with us
Forever God is faithful
Forever God is strong
Forever God is with us
His love endures forever
His love endures forever
His love endures forever
Sing praise, sing praise
Sing praise, sing praise
Forever you are faithful
Forever you are strong
Foerver you are with us
And ever
Forever you are faithful
Forever you are strong
Forever you are with us
You are God.....
And ever and ever ....
- Chris Tomlin
Our God and King
His love endures forever
For He is good, He is above all things
His love endures forever
Sing praise, sing praise
With a mighty hand
and outstretched arm
His love endures forever
For the life that's been reborn
His love endures forever
Sing praise, sing praise
Sing praise, sing praise
Forever God is faithful
Forever God is strong
Forever God is with us
From the rising to the setting sun
His love endures forever
By the grace of God
We will carry on
His love endures forever
Sing praise, sing praise
Sing praise, sing praise
Forever God is faithful
Forever God is strong
Forever God is with us
Forever God is faithful
Forever God is strong
Forever God is with us
His love endures forever
His love endures forever
His love endures forever
Sing praise, sing praise
Sing praise, sing praise
Forever you are faithful
Forever you are strong
Foerver you are with us
And ever
Forever you are faithful
Forever you are strong
Forever you are with us
You are God.....
And ever and ever ....
- Chris Tomlin
Busy Half-Week
Busy busy week at the start, thankfully with non-work stuff!
It was musical night on Monday, with a trip to Lord of the Rings. And yes, it was just as long as the movie. I'm glad I went to watch it but I don't think it's one I'll rave on about. Casting was very very poor. Aragorn didn't portray himself as authoritative, Boromir didn't come across as being very courageous, Legolas wasn't a dainty elf (not even blonde as per movie and book!), Frodo seemed old. The sets were very cleverly done, I must say. I expected more singing and dancing in the spirit of musicals. I don't know if it's a good or bad thing that there weren't more of those.
On Tuesday, met up with Jen and Phong on honeymoon:
And it was Best of the Best 2007 gala on Wednesday. For whatever reason, I wasn't looking forward to it but was very pleased I went in the end. We didn't win the big prize, but cliche-d as it sounds, I guess it was good enough to get a nomination. It was certainly an impressive affair. The photos don't do them justice as I took them when the areas weren't occupied:

It was musical night on Monday, with a trip to Lord of the Rings. And yes, it was just as long as the movie. I'm glad I went to watch it but I don't think it's one I'll rave on about. Casting was very very poor. Aragorn didn't portray himself as authoritative, Boromir didn't come across as being very courageous, Legolas wasn't a dainty elf (not even blonde as per movie and book!), Frodo seemed old. The sets were very cleverly done, I must say. I expected more singing and dancing in the spirit of musicals. I don't know if it's a good or bad thing that there weren't more of those.
On Tuesday, met up with Jen and Phong on honeymoon:

And it was Best of the Best 2007 gala on Wednesday. For whatever reason, I wasn't looking forward to it but was very pleased I went in the end. We didn't win the big prize, but cliche-d as it sounds, I guess it was good enough to get a nomination. It was certainly an impressive affair. The photos don't do them justice as I took them when the areas weren't occupied:
One of the after-dinner areas in Alice-in-Wonderland style

Saturday, September 08, 2007
The weekend!!!!'s the weekend! I've been looking forward to this since....well, Tuesday morning. Not that I've got anything special planned this weekend. Just being able to relax and not think about work, evolving deadlines and different priorities.... I still can't place my finger on why I wasn't motivated or enthusiastic at all this week. Nothing bad happened. Just the normal routine and challenges of work. Something I used to be quite enthused about but this week, I just wanted it to go away....
Whatever it was, I'm so glad it's the weekend! Regardless of whatever week I had, B had a worse week. 6-7 hours sleep over 48 hours as he prepared all his cases for exam presentation next week. I felt bad that I was asleep before he was, given it was midnite where I am and he is 7 hours ahead. Oh well, I think he's even more pleased it's the weekend, and will be even happier when the exam presentation's over on Tuesday. Praying hard for him!
Whatever it was, I'm so glad it's the weekend! Regardless of whatever week I had, B had a worse week. 6-7 hours sleep over 48 hours as he prepared all his cases for exam presentation next week. I felt bad that I was asleep before he was, given it was midnite where I am and he is 7 hours ahead. Oh well, I think he's even more pleased it's the weekend, and will be even happier when the exam presentation's over on Tuesday. Praying hard for him!
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Photo Upload
My desktop's finally up and running after the house move. So photos have now been uploaded!
Camping in Wales
Sailing Challenge 2007
Spoon by Alain Ducasse
Camping in Wales
Sailing Challenge 2007
Spoon by Alain Ducasse
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Getting the gift of the gab
If only it was as easy as kissing the Blarney stone at Blarney Castle! I certainly don't feel blessed with any eloquence since......!

Thursday, July 12, 2007
It's different now
I withdrew from the Leadership Programme. The leadership journey started fantastically well. Learnt so much. Was invested in tremendously. Was honoured to meet inspirational people and not just from the corporate world either. Sharing the journey with my peers who are so different yet with the same ambition in mind, who encouraged and motivated me along the way. They showed me the different flavours of leadership and a peek into what leadership in the future looks like.
So why this decision? Selfish as it sounds, I think I have grown as much as I can from this journey. As much as I enjoyed it, I found that the opportunities I have been given were because of me. Not because of the Leadership Programme badge. The things I enjoyed about the programme can be enjoyed regardless of whether I'm on the programme. Various other factors which I won't go into here. In the various unsettlements, I also felt I was not able to contribute as much to the leadership program. Importantly though, I looked at my priorities in life and decided it was the right thing to do now.
It's different now. Career was and in a way, still is important to me. But I realise it shouldn't occupy the huge chunk in my life that it used to. (Actually still does, but I'm working on it...!) Most times, I am my own worst enemy but I am happy that in the past few years, I have proved to myself that I am able to achieve this if I want to. At this point in time, it's not my number one priority.
I still want to do an excellent job. I will continue this journey in my own time and my own way with the continued support of others. The Leadership Programme is one way but not necessarily the only way. With changing priorities, the end goal may not be the same as when I first started out on the journey, but it's ok. I won't be stressed about that anymore.
I realise that there's nothing wrong with just doing your job well. Like my Partner said a few months ago when I voiced my unsettlement, it's ok not to reach for the stars all the time.
It took me nine months to come to this decision. The umming and arring right even when I voiced my decision flew out the window with the great swoosh of relief I felt when I got agreement. There are more decisions to make, on a larger scale....if this took nine months, I wonder how long those would take???
So why this decision? Selfish as it sounds, I think I have grown as much as I can from this journey. As much as I enjoyed it, I found that the opportunities I have been given were because of me. Not because of the Leadership Programme badge. The things I enjoyed about the programme can be enjoyed regardless of whether I'm on the programme. Various other factors which I won't go into here. In the various unsettlements, I also felt I was not able to contribute as much to the leadership program. Importantly though, I looked at my priorities in life and decided it was the right thing to do now.
It's different now. Career was and in a way, still is important to me. But I realise it shouldn't occupy the huge chunk in my life that it used to. (Actually still does, but I'm working on it...!) Most times, I am my own worst enemy but I am happy that in the past few years, I have proved to myself that I am able to achieve this if I want to. At this point in time, it's not my number one priority.
I still want to do an excellent job. I will continue this journey in my own time and my own way with the continued support of others. The Leadership Programme is one way but not necessarily the only way. With changing priorities, the end goal may not be the same as when I first started out on the journey, but it's ok. I won't be stressed about that anymore.
I realise that there's nothing wrong with just doing your job well. Like my Partner said a few months ago when I voiced my unsettlement, it's ok not to reach for the stars all the time.
It took me nine months to come to this decision. The umming and arring right even when I voiced my decision flew out the window with the great swoosh of relief I felt when I got agreement. There are more decisions to make, on a larger scale....if this took nine months, I wonder how long those would take???
Monday, July 09, 2007
Taking to the seas
So year after year, I intended to join our firm's Sailing Challenge. And year after year, I thought-about-joining-then-forgot-to-join. Until this year. And what fun it was! I knew and still know zilch about sailing but thanks to a great team and fantastic skipper, we still placed 10th in the race. Despite messing up on the first race with the wrong strategy. (Something about staying closer to the shore to take advantage of the tide? Beats me!).
Anyway, I had a go at the helm in safer waters (and not during the race or we would have been placed in the 30s!). Otherwise, my tiny contributions were clambering over side to side during tacks (and I have 12 bruises on my knees to show for it), gybes, bear-aways and heels. Oh, and I got to help with the hoist spinnaker during the Fun Race. Big drama there when the spinnaker got caught and twisted (strangely enough, it was not my fault). In the process of 'untwisting' it, a team member was nearly thrown overboard as the wind decided to pick up at that very point (when frustratingly, it was light wind all the way till then!). That was definitely the biggest panic moment. Coming a close second was the unexpected gybe a few mins before when I was underneath the main sail! Never before have I reacted so quickly in my life! So we lost 2nd position to drop out of the race altogether whilst the spinnaker was untangled.
Cramped living quarters for 2 nights... But the sailing experience... Also, just having leisurely breakfasts and drinks onboard whilst basking in the sun (with major SPF30 slapped on before and sunnies perpetually on!) was oh-so-lovely! Such is the life.....
Sail up and ready for the race!
Team getting ready for the regatta dinner on the second day
Anyway, I had a go at the helm in safer waters (and not during the race or we would have been placed in the 30s!). Otherwise, my tiny contributions were clambering over side to side during tacks (and I have 12 bruises on my knees to show for it), gybes, bear-aways and heels. Oh, and I got to help with the hoist spinnaker during the Fun Race. Big drama there when the spinnaker got caught and twisted (strangely enough, it was not my fault). In the process of 'untwisting' it, a team member was nearly thrown overboard as the wind decided to pick up at that very point (when frustratingly, it was light wind all the way till then!). That was definitely the biggest panic moment. Coming a close second was the unexpected gybe a few mins before when I was underneath the main sail! Never before have I reacted so quickly in my life! So we lost 2nd position to drop out of the race altogether whilst the spinnaker was untangled.
Cramped living quarters for 2 nights... But the sailing experience... Also, just having leisurely breakfasts and drinks onboard whilst basking in the sun (with major SPF30 slapped on before and sunnies perpetually on!) was oh-so-lovely! Such is the life.....
Spinnaker up! A few minutes before it twisted and panic began!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Some pics from Berlin
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Guten Tag
Well, not really... I must have brought the British weather over with me to Berlin. Sightseeing has been ruined on more than one day because of the rain. Not too bad for me, I guess, as I've been to Berlin before and so the rain's been a good excuse for me to stay in the flat and relax (and update blog!).
As I write, it has just stopped raining so I will take my chance and venture out umbrella-less for another attempt at photo taking!
Berliner Dom

Brandenburg Tor
As I write, it has just stopped raining so I will take my chance and venture out umbrella-less for another attempt at photo taking!
Berliner Dom
Brandenburg Tor
Friday, June 22, 2007
Still here...
Ok, time for excuses for the long absence. The house move has been exciting but has also meant no Internet connection till now and my needing to lend what lil bit I can to stripping wall paper/painting/moving stuff etc. I'm still trying to find my feet in the current project I'm in, whilst making sure it's not so obvious to others! And in a fit of proactiveness, I also volunteered for all sorts - leading training, managing other engagements, camping etc which has not helped at all!
Anyway, you probably didn't buy any of the excuses, so here are some pics to divert your attention for now... :)
Some pics of the house move:
Idris and Bri moving the sofa....
Our make-shift storage room.
Idris and Bri in front of the dodgy-rollercoaster-type van. Highly recommended to lend some much needed excitement and nail-biting experience to any move.
And here are some pics from my two-day camping trip with Debbie and Helen in mid-Wales.
Setting out our camps before going for our walk.
The sheepdogs here have it easy - they get their own chauffeur! (Who was the first person we saw in 3 hours since starting the walk!)
Our sleeping quarters for the night. Surprisingly, the first 8-hour sleep I had in a month!
Part 1 of our two-course breakfast
Anyway, you probably didn't buy any of the excuses, so here are some pics to divert your attention for now... :)
Some pics of the house move:
Idris and Bri moving the sofa....
Our make-shift storage room.
Idris and Bri in front of the dodgy-rollercoaster-type van. Highly recommended to lend some much needed excitement and nail-biting experience to any move.
And here are some pics from my two-day camping trip with Debbie and Helen in mid-Wales.
Setting out our camps before going for our walk.
Part 1 of our two-course breakfast
Monday, May 28, 2007
Bye bye Ted
After a week of uncertainty about whether we were going to move, we've finally moved abode!! A rather dramatic week of will we or won't we. It would have fitted nicely into Location, Location or Property Chain with all the stress, changes in decision etc! Needed to return from London to pack and then head off back to London the next day. A real late night of packing. 2 hours of sleep. But it's now done. Woo-hoo!
So the Ted is no more (well for us anyway). Moved into HRW which is in all sorts of states at the moment. Boxes everywhere - some packed some unpacked. Wallpaper being stripped. A miniature walk-in wardrobe since we're waiting for proper wardrobes. It's great! Hard work (mainly by Bri - haha - I lend moral support now and then) but we'll get there!
Look out for pictures here soon!
So the Ted is no more (well for us anyway). Moved into HRW which is in all sorts of states at the moment. Boxes everywhere - some packed some unpacked. Wallpaper being stripped. A miniature walk-in wardrobe since we're waiting for proper wardrobes. It's great! Hard work (mainly by Bri - haha - I lend moral support now and then) but we'll get there!
Look out for pictures here soon!
Sunday, May 20, 2007
2007 Spring Ball
Click here for photos taken at our Spring Ball on 28 April 2007
The last few standing at end of night:
The last few standing at end of night:
Saturday, May 19, 2007
New recipes
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Wicklow Mountains National Park
What better way to spend a day than 5 hours of walking through the mountains (hills?) enjoying fresh air, the good weather and good company. Ok, so my knees were hurting from my first long-walk/hike, but roll on next time!
Photos of our trip to Wicklow Mountains National Park here.
Photos of our trip to Wicklow Mountains National Park here.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Other comings and goings for March/April
Ok, some over due photos!
A day trip to London - visited Borough Market, went on London Eye (for the 3rd time), met up with some ex-MCers. Photos (mostly Noel's) here.

Snapping away at Oakley Court Hotel, Windsor:

Seeing the wonders of Lego blocks.
Chilling out in Bham, captured on camera by Gaz.

A day trip to London - visited Borough Market, went on London Eye (for the 3rd time), met up with some ex-MCers. Photos (mostly Noel's) here.
Snapping away at Oakley Court Hotel, Windsor:
Seeing the wonders of Lego blocks.
Chilling out in Bham, captured on camera by Gaz.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
When it's not possible
When others tell you it's not possible. Because it's just not how things are done. Have to think about culture and what other people want. It is yours. But think about the rest.
It's not possible. Too many things involved. Loved ones will be offended. So it's not yours despite what is said.
But you see it being done by others. Successfully. And then you wonder why you can't have it.
Is it selfish to want it? Is it arrogance? Or is it because you don't deserve it? Maybe you're not special enough to have it. Then the guilt of even thinking like this. That this is not the central point. Think big picture and all.
There are regrets whichever option. Whatever is chosen. There will be lookbacks of if only....
Perhaps such is life. But how then do people live with no regrets?
It's not possible. Too many things involved. Loved ones will be offended. So it's not yours despite what is said.
But you see it being done by others. Successfully. And then you wonder why you can't have it.
Is it selfish to want it? Is it arrogance? Or is it because you don't deserve it? Maybe you're not special enough to have it. Then the guilt of even thinking like this. That this is not the central point. Think big picture and all.
There are regrets whichever option. Whatever is chosen. There will be lookbacks of if only....
Perhaps such is life. But how then do people live with no regrets?
Thursday, April 12, 2007
I still feel ok
It's 10.15pm. I have only had two cups of tea and a biscuit since 7am. Back to back meetings, discussions, phone calls, emails since. It was going to be a nice busy week but it turned manic late on Tuesday because of a last minute call to support a proposal. Lots of missed deadlines as a result. Weekend work is a definite now. But I strangely still feel ok. Hmmm.... I do feel as if something is about to hit me though and I'm beginning to worry what that is.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Villa v Wigan
My first football game. Easter Monday. Aston Villa v Wigan. A rather disappointing 1-1 results but a thoroughly enjoyable experience nonetheless. Thanks for organising, Gaz!!!
More photos from the game here...
More photos from the game here...
Monday, April 09, 2007
Another Foodie Post
This time at namesake's restaurant. The Michelin-one-starred restaurant in Birmingham was ok-ish. Food was good. Service not so. A good dinner mainly because of excellent company. :)

Photos of food at Jessica's here...
Photos of food at Jessica's here...
Friday, April 06, 2007
Last of the Three
A visit to the last 3-Michelin star UK establishment we have yet to try for a belated Valentine's Day. Service at Waterside Inn was exceptional. Started from the moment we arrived at the end of Ferry Road and our car was parked for us. Alain Roux made the effort to speak to every customer during dinner. Don't remember Heston Blumenthal or Gordon Ramsay doing that! The food? Almost flawless - only flaws were due to a pomelo based dessert (I don't like pomelos) and a weird starter B had which seemed like an experiment of snails and raviolis. All in all though, I really enjoyed the meal and the experience. Definitely one to recommend.

More Waterside Inn photos via this link.
More Waterside Inn photos via this link.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Saturday, March 17, 2007
My only chance at breaking a world record...
And we did it!
Ok, so it was for biggest dance class ever but hey, it's the only chance I ever have at even midly breaking a world record. So we vined, hitched, stepped, kicked and clapped to the Comic Relief Line Dancing Song (creative or what?) on Friday 16 March 2007. For 10mins. All in name of Comic Relief Red Nose Day which made it even better.
Click this link for a clip of the news bulletin from BBC Midlands.
Several more Comic Relief photos via this link.

Waiting to start the line dance...

Ok, so it was for biggest dance class ever but hey, it's the only chance I ever have at even midly breaking a world record. So we vined, hitched, stepped, kicked and clapped to the Comic Relief Line Dancing Song (creative or what?) on Friday 16 March 2007. For 10mins. All in name of Comic Relief Red Nose Day which made it even better.
Click this link for a clip of the news bulletin from BBC Midlands.
Several more Comic Relief photos via this link.
Just in case you were wondering, this isn't my typical office attire - it was "Big Wild West" theme in the office in aid of Comic Relief so I had to do my part (of course!)
Spot difference in the nose?
World record broken!!!!
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