Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Nearly Istanbul...

Got a call yesterday. Assignment in Istanbul next week. Was excited. Have not been to Turkey before. Would love to go. Although I must admit, it's not one of the top five on my 'must-see' places list. But if I get to go expenses paid, why not?

Alas, thanks to my passport originating from a country which require visas to most countries - rightly or wrongly would be subject of different discussion, this was filed into the 'nearly been' place instead of 'will be going...there...has been' place. Visa takes 20 days. Which means I can't go next week. Well, not legally anyways but that's not a risk I dare take. My colleagues' questions on why I continue to hold this passport become more and more valid (not just with travel episodes but general sentiments I make too). To add to list of decisions to make.


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