Tuesday, April 25, 2006

A Student's Prayer

For those facing exams shortly, here's a prayer to hopefully help you calm your nerves. I found it whilst tidying up my books. I'm not sure who penned it, however the handwriting on the page looks very similar to Joanna's!

Lord, grant to me a quiet heart
Before my examinations start;
Teach me to use my leisure hours
To reinvigorate my powers;
My mind from day dreams liberate,
Give me the will to concentrate.

From all distractions set me free
That in my studies, I may be
A student with this whole intent;
To make my work a sacrement.

From faint in heart, in love expel
All failure fears that therein dwell
And from my pillow drive away
All dark foreboding of that day;
Help me in faith to rest so deep
That I may have untroubled sleep.

While note and lessons I prepare
May I not lose my zest for prayer;
And may I not forget to look
For daily guidance in Thy Book.

In quietness, confidence and peace
May I have swift and sure release
From needless fears and apprehension,
From outward strain and inward tension.

And may I ever grateful be
To all who offer prayers for me
While for myself I intercede
For other students too I plead.

So may examinations find
Each boy (and each girl too) alert in heart and mind
Thus inward joy and peace possessing,
Exams will prove a source of blessing.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If I wrote it in your book, I certainly didn't "author" it. If I were to write a student's prayer, it'll be more like this:

"Now I lay me down to rest,
I pray I pass tomorrow's test.
If I should die before I wake,
That's one less test I'll have to take" (ANON)