Wednesday, February 08, 2006

You can take....

Presented at the new initiative to attract students from another country into a 3 year programme which they spend doing their exams and getting on-the-job training like any other graduate, then return to their home country equipped with the qualification and international experience. The presentations went well - good thing I didn't have to present in the native language of that country, as my grasp of that language is restricted primarily to ordering food and negotiating prices!

The questions we got however, was very mixed. Mindset is very much still based on academic results rather than realising the benefits of being an all-rounder. Yes, of course you need good results, but think - what actually sets you apart from all the other graduates with A's or 2:1 degrees? The cheek of some of them as well, asking for the exact questions we ask at interviews. First of all - d'oh! As if there's a script that interviewers follow to a T. You might as well use robots to conduct the interviews then, following a 'Decision Tree' to allocate students to an Accept/Reject pile depending on the key words given in their answers. Even call centres are discouraged from using scripts now. Secondly, why would we tell you exactly what questions we ask, if those questions did indeed exist? This isn't an exam where you can 'spot' questions. Besides, would it be fair to the rest of the students?

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