Recently, just turned it around the other way and realised it's also important to be around those who are genuinely happy to be around you. Some just can't be bothered to be with you. Some just aren't happy to be around you.
I'm now no longer the insecure person I used to be. I hang on tight to knowing that only His opinion matter. I don't think I'm arrogant. I don't go out of my way to be rude. I do try to still be friendly and approachable. But I don't get upset if someone ignores me simply because I don't have the required title. Those are superficially temporal things. I am blessed to be His child and I am so thankful that this can't be taken away from me.
When it's close to home though, I can't brush it away so easily. I admit that it hurts. I keep reminding myself that He has a purpose for this. What is it? I do not yet know. But I continue to remind myself to be thankful for the bountiful blessings I already have. The biggest of which is to be able to go to Him and lay these all at His feet at any time.